Barbara Corfield, PP-IARA - Editor Assistant Editors – Harmony #1 & Triple Link #10
The New Mexico Rebekah Reporter is published
six times a year: January, March, May , July, September, and
November with the authority of the Rebekah Assembly of New Mexico
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The New Mexico Rebekah Reporter
is a member of the International Press Association of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge. Subscriptions are $5.00 yearly. All subscriptions,
news, questions and information should be directed to:
Send articles NOW for the next issue.
Please let your lodge and the NMRR know of any brothers
or sisters who may be ill or who have passed away. We would like
to share that information in this paper. Thank you.
Highlights from NM Rebekah Reporter
November - December , 2019
Issue Volume 27 Number 6
For the full stories, get your copy of the NMRR
Click Here to View Previous Issues
Have you received your copy of the latest issue?
If not then please contact: |
Recipe for a Happy new Year……………………….Anonymous Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first . came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the whole lot this way) but prepare one day at a time. Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing — don’t do it), prayer, meditation and well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoon of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play and a heaping cup of good humor. Let the New Year begin!! Serve Fresh! |
Note from tbe Grand Master |
Note from the Assembly President |

Sandi McWatters , Grand Master
2016 – 2017
Harmony Lodge # 1 IOOF

Doris Felkner , President
2016 – 2017
Hope RL #12
What's Happening New Mexico
Harmony #1—
Mesa # 27—
Alamogordo # 25, -
Triple Link #1—
Editorial notes from Barb: |
Let ‘s keep those lines of communication open!!
Please remember to send in news about your lodge and your members. We really are one big family and families want to hear about other family members. Also, send in change of names, addresses, and email addresses. Remember, if you want your paper to sent to you via email, let me know.
Thanks to all who submitted articles and information for this issue.
Remember to Share the Good News about Odd Fellowship! |
A Note From the Grand Secretary

In Friendship, Barbara
Grand Lodge of New Mexico IOOF
PO Box 9234
Albuquerque, NM 87119-9234
A Note From the Assembly Secretary

Remember the reason..........
Fraternally, Dee
Notes from your Editor
Holiday greetings to everyone! I know your lodge has been busy serving your community during this special season. I would love to hear what your lodge is doing. Installation of officers is just around the corner. Send in the names of your new officers and what their plans are for the coming year to build up your lodge and let the community know that you are alive and well. Share the news!! Be sure that your lodge meeting information is correct, as I plan to include a directory of lodges with addresses and meeting times. Probably will start with the next issue.
Please remember to send in news about your lodge and your members. We really are one big family and families want to hear about other family members. Also, send in change of names, addresses, and email addresses. Don’t forget, if you want your paper to sent to you via email, let me know. Thanks to all who submitted articles and information for this issue.
Margaret Burnworth, Cards can be sent to: PO Box 819, Gallup, NM 87305.
Remember all of them in your prayers- send cards- make a call.
Please let me know if you know of anyone who should be remembered,
so I can share this information in the newspaper. Sorry if I have missed anyone.
Barbara Corfield, edtor
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Click to View Previous Issues
Jan - Feb, 2010 |
Mar - Apr, 2010 |
May - Jun, 2010 |
Jul - Aug, 2010 |
Sep - Oct, 2010 |
Nov - Dec, 2010 |
Jan - Feb, 2011 |
Mar - Apr, 2011 |
May - Jun, 2011 |
Jul - Aug, 2011 |
Sep - Oct, 2011 |
Nov - Dec, 2011 |
Jan - Feb, 2012 |
Mar - Apr, 2012 |
May - Jun, 2012 |
Jul - Aug, 2012 |
Sep - Oct, 2012 |
Nov - Dec, 2012 |
Jan - Feb, 2013 |
Mar - Apr, 2013 |
May - Jun, 2013 |
Jul - Aug, 2013 |
Sep - Oct, 2013 |
Nov - Dec, 2013 |
Jan - Feb, 2014 |
Mar - Apr, 2014 |
May - Jun, 2014 |
Jul - Aug, 2014 |
Sep - Oct, 2014 |
Nov - Dec, 2014 |
Jan - Feb, 2015 |
Mar - Apr, 2015 |
May - Jun, 2015 |
Jul - Aug, 2015 |
Sep - Oct, 2015 |
Nov - Dec, 2015 |
Jan - Feb, 2016 |
Mar - Apr, 2016 |
May - Jun, 2016 |
Jul - Aug, 2016 |
Sep - Oct, 2016 |
Nov - Dec, 2016 |
for 2012 - 2016 issues