Theta Rho
Girls Clubs and Junior
Odd Fellow Lodges offer an opportunity for boys and girls of the age
of eight through eighteen (8 - 18) to become acquainted with the principles
of Odd Fellowship. It provides them with a chance to learn and grow into
the kinds of citizens we want to inherit our Country, into whose hands
we will pass the reins of government, and upon whom we must depend for
the preservation of our way of life. It also affords them the benefit
of learning to speak in public, mixing with other youth, and above all,
improves their knowledge of the people and things around them.
Arkisgo Theta Rho Girls Club #1 was instituted on February 29, 1932 in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. This coming February the club will celebrate
is 75th Anniversary – the diamond jubilee. It is one of the oldest
Theta Rho Girls Clubs in the United States, second only to a club in Colorado
that was instituted sometime during the month of February the same year,
1932. During its 75 years the club has seen times of plenty in terms
of members, but there have also been times when their membership was very
Arkisgo currently has only seven active members, but the girls are working
hard to build their club. They are working closely with Alpha Junior
Lodge #1, which is the oldest Junior Lodge in the United States, to plan
both fun and charitable activities around the upcoming holidays. Harmony
Odd Fellow Lodge #1 and Triple Link Rebekah Lodge #10 sponsor the clubs
and many events are planned in conjunction with these lodges.
Arkisgo #1 hosted a reception in honor of their
75th Anniversary on Sunday, March 11, 2007 from 3:00 - 5:00 at 1101
Indian School Rd. NE. Click Here for photos.